Kabbalah Adult Study

01 May @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Kabbalah Adult Study with Peter

We study Jewish, Buddhist and other mystical traditions to guide us toward visions for the future. In a complex world of grays, how do we shine? How do we guard our inner vision and nurture our loved ones? How do we align our visions and act on Earth?

Kabbalistic imagery revolves around visions of shielded radiance, defensive shells blocking and obscuring our glow, protective electrical fields and a constant turning our hearts and minds toward the light. Consistent with modern science and psychology, Kabbalists reach for truths concerning the unity of all life, the need for both balance and conflict resolution, existential paradox.

Wednesday evening continue our explorations of Kabbalistic complexity and Zen simplicity. No pre-requisites but an open mind! All are welcome.